MAC stands for media access control address. It is the hardware network address for the network interface cards.
Now why do we have spoof it?
We have to spoof it in the cases when you are performing some administrative task or in case you are performing some kind of crime and you don't want to get caught. As MAC is the physical address it remains constant until and unless you manually change it. And if you don't change it and and perform some kind of unauthenticated task police easily catches you with the help of your MAC number.So, it is essential to spoof your MAC address.
How do we know our MAC address?
To know your MAC address simply go to command prompt and type " ipconfig/all " this will show all the network adapters and interface cards present. And the physical address would be your MAC address.
How do we spoof our MAC?
There are two basic ways of doing so::
1. Manually editing it from the registry.
2. Using some third party software to do it.
1. Manually editing it::
Step 1: Click on run and type regedit.
Step 2: go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Class ->{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Step 3: Now under {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} you will find different subheadings like "0000","0001" and so on. now manually click on each subheading and on the right hand side many options will be shown check for NetworkAddress.
Step4: Once you find NetworkAddress click on it and enter the new 12 digit mac number without gap and click on ok.
Step 5: Once all this is done now goto the control panel -> Network Connections and disable and enable the network card. This will change your MAC address.
How do we get our MAC address back?
In order to get the old MAC address back simply delete the entry which you had made. This way you can get back your MAC.
The MAC spoofing with the help of third party software will be discussed in another post.
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